Business stock per 10,000 population (Rank out of 64)
Business stock per 10,000 population (Rank out of 64)
Number of Other Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Number of Other Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Number of Industrial Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Number of Industrial Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Number of Office Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Number of Office Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Number of Retail Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Number of Retail Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Total number of Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Total number of Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Street Lighting: Average cost of maintaining street lights (PI 01a)
Street Lighting: Average cost of maintaining street lights (PI 01a)
Income Deprivation Affecting Older People (IDAOPI)
Income Deprivation Affecting Older People (IDAOPI)
Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI)
Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI)
Domains of Deprivation - Health Deprivation and Disability
Domains of Deprivation - Health Deprivation and Disability
Indices of Multiple Deprivation
Indices of Multiple Deprivation
Indices of Multiple Deprivation in York
The English Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2019 were published on 26th September 2019. The data sources used in each indicator were based on data from the most recent...
Floorspace (000's m2) of Other Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Other Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Industrial Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Industrial Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Office Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Office Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Retail Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Retail Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Total floorspace (000,s m2) of Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Total floorspace (000,s m2) of Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Ward Committee Approved Funding
These are the local improvement schemes and grant projects funded through Ward Committee funding. The data in 2020/2021 are the schemes that have been approved for ward...
Listed Buildings
Listed Buildings in York For further information about listed buildings - see the City of York Council website. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a...
% Disabled Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64)
% Disabled Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Total Disabled Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64)
Total Disabled Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64)
Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Total Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64)
Total Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Proportion of Children in Child Poverty (%) (HMRC)
Proportion of Children in Child Poverty (%) (HMRC) *This indicator has been discontinued
% Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64)
% Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued