Number of Reports of Domestic Abuse Incidents reported to NYP (York only)
Number of Reports of Domestic Abuse Incidents reported to NYP (York only)
Reported number of PEOPLE killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic a...
Reported number of PEOPLE killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13a (i)) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is...
First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17 (per 100,000 10-17...
First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17 (per 100,000 10-17 year olds in York) - (Rolling 12 Month)
York Ward Profiles 2024-25 Q1
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to June 2024 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
York Ward Profiles 2023-24
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to March 2024 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
Indices of Multiple Deprivation in York
The English Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2019 were published on 26th September 2019. The data sources used in each indicator were based on data from the most recent...
PSPO & Alcohol Restriction Zones
Dataset containing current and historic Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) , including Alcohol Restriction Zones (ARZ) in York. Please note that Designated Public Place...
Proportion of people who use services who feel safe
Proportion of people who use services who feel safe
Smoke Control Zones
Smoke Control Zones (Furnace Emission) in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master...
Forward Control Points
Forward Control Points (FCP) with Emergency Meeting Points (EMP) located adjacent the River Ouse in York. For further information about river safety please visit City of York...
Flood Signs
Flood signs in York. For further advice and information about flooding please visit City of York Council's website. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a...
City Centre Evacuation Zones
York City Centre Evacuation Zones. For further information about city centre evacuation zones please visit City of York Council's website. *Please note that the data published...
We tackle persistent crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB), mainly on rear alleyways, by installing lockable gates to restrict access. This page includes data on the alleygates...
York Ward Profiles 2022-23
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to March 2023 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
Ward Committee Approved Funding
These are the local improvement schemes and grant projects funded through Ward Committee funding. The data in 2020/2021 are the schemes that have been approved for ward...
Fly-tipping - All Incidents
This dataset contains all fly-tipping incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from July 2019 onwards. Please note the...
LAT Profiles 2021-22
These are the 3 Local Area Team (LAT) profiles containing information up to March 2022. A Local Area Team (LAT) is a multi-agency team covering one of three defined geographical...
LAT Profiles 2019-20
These are the 3 Local Area Team (LAT) profiles containing information up to March 2020. A Local Area Team (LAT) is a multi-agency team covering one of three defined geographical...
York Ward Profiles 2021-22
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to March 2022 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
Location of Public Toilets in York
Location of Public Toilets in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the...
% of residents that think CYC/partners are working well to make communities s...
% of residents that think CYC/partners are working well to make communities safer *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents that think CYC/partners are doing well at reducing crime and a...
% of residents that think CYC/partners are doing well at reducing crime and anti social behaviour *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree their local area is a safe place to live (All Respon...
% of residents who agree their local area is a safe place to live (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree that York is a safe city to live in, relatively free...
% of residents who agree that York is a safe city to live in, relatively free from crime and violence - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree their local area is a place where people from differ...
% of residents who agree their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued