Number of children in temporary accommodation - (Snapshot)
Number of children in temporary accommodation - (Snapshot)
Number of homeless households with dependent children in temporary accommodat...
Number of homeless households with dependent children in temporary accommodation - (Snapshot)
Number of homeless households in temporary accommodation - (Snapshot)
Number of homeless households in temporary accommodation - (Snapshot)
Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship br...
Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown
Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship br...
Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)
Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship brea...
Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown
Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship brea...
Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)
Homelessness assessment (initial decision) - Already homelessness - relief du...
Homelessness assessment (initial decision) - Already homelessness - relief duty owed - (YTD)
Homelessness assessment (initial decision) - Threatened with homelessness - p...
Homelessness assessment (initial decision) - Threatened with homelessness - prevention duty owed - (YTD)
Homelessness assessment (eligibility) - Total Assessments - (YTD)
Homelessness assessment (eligibility) - Total Assessments - (YTD)
Net Housing Consents
Net Housing Consents *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing completions and consents...
Net Additional Homes Provided
Net Additional Homes Provided The net additional dwellings figure, or net supply of housing, is the absolute change in dwelling stock. It is derived from the number of new build...
Gross Additional Homes Provided
Gross Additional Homes Provided *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing completions...
Increase in % of businesses signed up to the Good Work Charter
Increase in % of businesses signed up to the Good Work Charter
Number of trees managed within CYC Ezytree application
Number of trees managed within CYC Ezytree application
Level of CO2 emissions from council buildings and operations (tonnes of carbo...
Level of CO2 emissions from council buildings and operations (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent)
Carbon emissions across the city (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) - (Cal...
Carbon emissions across the city (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) - (Calendar Year)
Community Protection Notices - Other
Community Protection Notices - Other
Community Protection Notices - Waste accumulation on residential property
Community Protection Notices - Waste accumulation on residential property
Community Protection Notices - Dog Fouling (Private or communal areas)
Community Protection Notices - Dog Fouling (Private or communal areas)
Fixed Penalty Notices - Household Waste Duty of Care
Fixed Penalty Notices - Household Waste Duty of Care
Fixed Penalty Notices - S43 Fly posting
Fixed Penalty Notices - S43 Fly posting
Fixed Penalty Notices - Flytipping
Fixed Penalty Notices - Flytipping
Fixed Penalty Notices - S47 Commercial Waste
Fixed Penalty Notices - S47 Commercial Waste
Fixed Penalty Notices - S46 Household Waste presentation
Fixed Penalty Notices - S46 Household Waste presentation