Total tonnes of municipal waste collected (household, commercial, prescribed ...
Total tonnes of municipal waste collected (household, commercial, prescribed and inert waste)
Municipal waste sent to landfill (%) (DEFRA)
Municipal waste sent to landfill (%) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/hou...
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (DEFRA) This measure is the tonnage (amount) of waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting which is accepted by a...
Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Index of pedestrians walking to and from the City Centre (%) (12 hour in and ...
Index of pedestrians walking to and from the City Centre (%) (12 hour in and out combined) from 2009/10 Baseline (37,278) (LI 1 (vii.i)) *Please note that data for the previous...
Reported number of CYCLISTS killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic...
Reported number of CYCLISTS killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13d) Please note that the data values for the last 12 months are...
Reported number of CHILDREN (0-15) killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar...
Reported number of CHILDREN (0-15) killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13b) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets...
Reported number of PEOPLE slightly injured in road traffic accidents (Calenda...
Reported number of PEOPLE slightly injured in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13c) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets...
Reported number of PEOPLE killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic a...
Reported number of PEOPLE killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13a (i)) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is...
Reported number of PEOPLE killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (L...
Reported number of PEOPLE killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13a) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets validated...
Area Wide Traffic Levels (07:00 -19:00) (Excluding A64) from 2009/10 baseline...
Area Wide Traffic Levels (07:00 -19:00) (Excluding A64) from 2009/10 baseline (2.07m) (LI 10diii)
% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (BV224b)
% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (BV224b)
% of Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (S...
% of Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (Scanner - NI 130-02)
% of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (Scanner - NI 130...
% of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (Scanner - NI 130-01)
% of low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric, Hybrid ...
% of low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric, Hybrid and Euro 6)
Number of low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric, Hy...
Number of low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric, Hybrid and Euro 6)
Number of vehicles in CYC Fleet
Number of vehicles in CYC Fleet
Number of council homes let by direct exchange - (YTD)
Number of council homes let by direct exchange - (YTD)
% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) ...
% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) - (low emission Buses before 2022/23) There are set definitions for Low Emission Buses (LEB),...
The number of CYC electric vehicle recharging points in York (updated definit...
The number of CYC electric vehicle recharging points in York (updated definition Q4 21/22 to CYC points only)
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with that breached SLA target...
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with that breached SLA target time
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with by CYC
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with by CYC
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues reported
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues reported
GRAFFITI - Average time taken to resolve non-offensive issues (Working days) ...
GRAFFITI - Average time taken to resolve non-offensive issues (Working days) - (YTD)