Alcohol-specific mortality: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Alcohol-specific mortality: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population) *This indicator has been discontinued
Alcohol-specific mortality: Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Alcohol-specific mortality: Males, all ages (per 100,000 population) *This indicator has been discontinued
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) Budget
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) Budget *This indicator has been discontinued
YFAS Community payments (£) Budget
YFAS Community payments (£) Budget *This indicator has been discontinued
YFAS Emergency payments Budget (£)
YFAS Emergency payments Budget (£) *This indicator has been discontinued
% of Troubled Families who have achieved an outcome
% of Troubled Families who have achieved an outcome *This indicator has been discontinued
Number of Troubled Families On-Programme (New for 2016/17)
Number of Troubled Families On-Programme (New for 2016/17) *This indicator has been discontinued
Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline crit...
Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline criteria) *This indicator has been discontinued
Projected number of secondary school aged-pupils in York (11-16)
Projected number of secondary school aged-pupils in York (11-16)
Number of secondary school places in York
Number of secondary school places in York
Projected number of primary school aged-pupils in York
Projected number of primary school aged-pupils in York
Number of primary school places in York
Number of primary school places in York
Floorspace (000's m2) of Other Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Other Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Industrial Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Industrial Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Office Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Office Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Retail Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Floorspace (000's m2) of Retail Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Total floorspace (000,s m2) of Non Domestic Rateable Properties
Total floorspace (000,s m2) of Non Domestic Rateable Properties
We tackle persistent crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB), mainly on rear alleyways, by installing lockable gates to restrict access. This page includes data on the alleygates...
% of mothers smoking at time of delivery - (Rolling 12 Month)
% of mothers smoking at time of delivery - (Rolling 12 Month)
% of After School Clubs achieving 'good' or 'outstanding' - (Snapshot)
% of After School Clubs achieving 'good' or 'outstanding' - (Snapshot)
% of 16+ year olds ending their YOT supervised court order who are NEET (NEW ...
% of 16+ year olds ending their YOT supervised court order who are NEET (NEW definition 2016/17 - cumulative) - (YTD) *This indicator has been discontinued
% of 10-16 year olds ending their YOT supervised court order who are NEET - (...
% of 10-16 year olds ending their YOT supervised court order who are NEET - (NEW definition 2016/17 - cumulative) - (YTD) *This indicator has been discontinued
% of young people ending their YOT supervised court order who are NEET (NEW d...
% of young people ending their YOT supervised court order who are NEET (NEW definition 2016/17 - cumulative) - (YTD) *This indicator has been discontinued
Statutory homelessness - homelessness acceptances (per 1,000 estimated total ...
Statutory homelessness - homelessness acceptances (per 1,000 estimated total households) *This indicator has been discontinued
% of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 55 dB(A)...
% of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 55 dB(A) or more during the night-time *This indicator has been discontinued