Road Condition Survey 2020
The data published within this resource represents an ongoing pilot project of automated surface conditioning survey which is helping to extend the life of the UK’s public...
Footway Condition Survey 2021
The data published within this resource represents an ongoing pilot project of automated surface conditioning survey which is helping to extend the life of the UK’s public...
Footway Condition Survey 2020
The data published within this resource represents an ongoing pilot project of automated surface conditioning survey which is helping to extend the life of the UK’s public...
New user accounts created on Do it Online (Data Unvalidated)
New user accounts created on Do it Online (Data Unvalidated) *This indicator has been discontinued.
People supported to live independently through social services PREVENTION - (...
People supported to live independently through social services PREVENTION - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued.
People supported to live independently through social services PACKAGES OF CA...
People supported to live independently through social services PACKAGES OF CARE - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued.
Number of website users who found the information about air quality easily av...
Number of website users who found the information about air quality easily available *This indicator is discontinued
% of registrations of vulnerable groups living in the most deprived SOA in al...
% of registrations of vulnerable groups living in the most deprived SOA in all Children Centres - (Snapshot)...
Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Employment
Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Employment *This indicator is discontinued
Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Education and Crime...
Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Education and Crime/ASB issues *This indicator is discontinued
Number of Troubled Families turned around - (New 2014/2015)
Number of Troubled Families turned around - (New 2014/2015) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents that think CYC/partners are working well to make communities s...
% of residents that think CYC/partners are working well to make communities safer *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents that think CYC/partners are doing well at reducing crime and a...
% of residents that think CYC/partners are doing well at reducing crime and anti social behaviour *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree their local area is a safe place to live (All Respon...
% of residents who agree their local area is a safe place to live (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who volunteer at least once a month (All Responses)
% of residents who volunteer at least once a month (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who volunteer at least once per week (All Responses)
% of residents who volunteer at least once per week (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree that York is a safe city to live in, relatively free...
% of residents who agree that York is a safe city to live in, relatively free from crime and violence - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree their local area is a place where people from differ...
% of residents who agree their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree that they belong to their local area - Agree (All Re...
% of residents who agree that they belong to their local area - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live - S...
% of residents who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live - Satisfied (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree that they can influence decisions in their local are...
% of residents who agree that they can influence decisions in their local area - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions i...
% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions in their local area *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who feel its important for them to feel part of their local co...
% of residents who feel its important for them to feel part of their local community *This indicator is discontinued
Customer satisfaction on how we work to improve green spaces (%)
Customer satisfaction on how we work to improve green spaces (%) *This indicator is discontinued
Customer satisfaction that the quality of streets/public places is improving (%)
Customer satisfaction that the quality of streets/public places is improving (%) *This indicator is discontinued