Delayed transfers of care from hospital which are attributable to adult socia...
Delayed transfers of care from hospital which are attributable to adult social care, per 100,000 population (New definition from 2017/18) - (Monthly Snapshot) *This indicator...
Delayed transfers of care from hospital, per 100,000 population (New definiti...
Delayed transfers of care from hospital, per 100,000 population (New definition from 2017/18) - (Monthly Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued.
Cases Closed by ASB Hub within Period - Resolved
Cases Closed by ASB Hub within Period - Resolved *This indicator has been discontinued
New Cases recorded by ASB Hub (from Feb 2015)
New Cases recorded by ASB Hub (from Feb 2015) *This indicator has been discontinued
% of properties offered 2 kerbside recyclate collections - (YTD)
% of properties offered 2 kerbside recyclate collections - (YTD) *This indicator has been discontinued.
Bring empty private sector properties back into use
Bring empty private sector properties back into use *This indicator has been discontinued.
Council Tax Support Scheme Consultation November 2015
Responses of Council Tax Support Scheme Consultation November 2015 For further information, please visit Council's webpage
Number of Complaints (Stage 3) - Waste Services
Number of Complaints (Stage 3) - Waste Services
Total number of reimbursable CYC delays (attributable to CYC) (YDH Only)
Total number of reimbursable CYC delays (attributable to CYC) (YDH Only) *This indicator has been discontinued.
Total number of Acute delayed discharges (YDH only)
Total number of Acute delayed discharges (YDH only) *This indicator has been discontinued.
% certificate applications dealt with within 5 days of receipt
% certificate applications dealt with within 5 days of receipt *This indicator has been discontinued
Number of days taken to process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit new claim...
Number of days taken to process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit new claims and change events *This indicator is discontinued
Troubled Families: Number of identified families that are being/have been wor...
Troubled Families: Number of identified families that are being/have been worked with *This indicator has been discontinued.
% Disabled Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64)
% Disabled Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Total Disabled Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64)
Total Disabled Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64)
Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Total Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64)
Total Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Housing affordability (house prices to earnings ratio)
Housing affordability (house prices to earnings ratio) *This indicator has been discontinued
Proportion of Children in Child Poverty (%) (HMRC)
Proportion of Children in Child Poverty (%) (HMRC) *This indicator has been discontinued
% Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64)
% Lone Parents (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
% Total Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64)
% Total Benefit Claimants (Working Age 16-64) *This indicator has been discontinued
% of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC
% of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC. This quarterly figure shows the council's speed of reaction by calculating the percentage of number of calls answered...
Number of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC
Number of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC *This indicator has been discontinued.
% of Year 12-14 (Academic age 16-18) young people who are not in education, e...
% of Year 12-14 (Academic age 16-18) young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued and replaced by % of...
Number of mothers recorded by Midwifery Services in regard to alcohol or sub...
Number of mothers recorded by Midwifery Services in regard to alcohol or substance misuse (by Estimated Delivery Date) *This indicator has been discontinued.