Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)
Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)
Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time
Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
Parliament Street Footfall
Parliament Street Footfall
Sessions on visityork.org
Sessions on "visityork.org"
Visits to Attractions: Small Attractions
Visits to Attractions: Small Attractions
Visits to Attractions: Big Attractions
Visits to Attractions: Big Attractions
Average Room Rate
Average Room Rate
% of customers who were satisfied with the overall level of service provided
% of customers who were satisfied with the overall level of service provided
% of businesses reporting that they were treated fairly
% of businesses reporting that they were treated fairly
% of businesses reporting that contact with officers was helpful
% of businesses reporting that contact with officers was helpful
Survival of Newly Born Businesses post 1 year
Survival of Newly Born Businesses post 1 year
Performance Indicators : Business and Economy
Key Performance Indicators related to Business and Economy
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Haxby Village
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Acomb
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Monks Cross
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Clifton Moor
Business Deaths
Business Deaths
Business Births
Business Births
Total Businesses
Total Businesses
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - City Centre
% of vacant shops - City Centre
% of vacant shops - City Centre