% of secondary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more in years 7-11 (@ January ...
% of secondary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more in years 7-11 (@ January school census) - (Snapshot)
% of primary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more (@ January school census) -...
% of primary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more (@ January school census) - (Snapshot)
% of secondary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)
% of secondary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)
% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)
% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)
% of 1st preferences secured for York children in the Secondary school admiss...
% of 1st preferences secured for York children in the Secondary school admission round (relates to academic year after financial year shown) - (Snapshot)
% of 1st preferences secured for York children in the Primary school admissio...
% of 1st preferences secured for York children in the Primary school admission round (relates to academic year after financial year shown) - (Snapshot)
Number of fixed term exclusions in the secondary sector
Number of fixed term exclusions in the secondary sector
Number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal in the prim...
Number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal in the primary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)
Number of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the primary sec...
Number of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the primary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)
% of children taking a free school meal in the primary sector (excluding Dane...
% of children taking a free school meal in the primary sector (excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)
% of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the primary sector (...
% of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the primary sector (excluding Danesgate)
Total number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal - (Yo...
Total number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal - (York LA Local Measure) - (Jan Census Snapshot)
Total number of children who are eligible for a free school meal - (York LA L...
Total number of children who are eligible for a free school meal - (York LA Local Measure) - (Jan Census Snapshot)
% of working age population qualified - to at least L4 and above (New methodo...
% of working age population qualified - to at least L4 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)
% of working age population qualified - to at least L3 and above (New methodo...
% of working age population qualified - to at least L3 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)
% of working age population qualified - to at least L2 and above (New methodo...
% of working age population qualified - to at least L2 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)
% of working age population qualified - No qualifications (New methodology fr...
% of working age population qualified - No qualifications (New methodology from 2022/23)
%pt gap between FSM and non-FSM pupils at 15, who attain a Level 3 qualificat...
%pt gap between FSM and non-FSM pupils at 15, who attain a Level 3 qualification by the age of 19 - (Snapshot) This measure contributes to our understanding of the inequality...
List of schools in York
This dataset contains details of all currently open Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Special Schools in York For more information on schools and contact details in York,...
School level data for allocated preferences in junior admissions rounds
This dataset contains details of allocated preferences in past junior admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting junior school in Year...