York Ward Profiles 2014-15 (post May 2015 election boundaries)
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to March 2015 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
LAT Profiles 2016-17
These are the 3 Local Area Team (LAT) profiles containing information up to March 2017. A Local Area Team (LAT) is a multi-agency team covering one of three defined geographical...
York Ward Profiles 2013-14
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to March 2014 on the 22 electoral wards using the pre May 2015 election boundaries.
York Ward Profiles 2012-13
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to March 2013 on the 22 electoral wards using the pre May 2015 election boundaries.
Private Housing Stock Ward Factsheets
The City of York Council commissioned the Building Research Establishment in 2015 to undertake a series of data modelling exercises on our private housing stock to produce an...
Provider Alliance Profiles 2015-2016
These are the Provider Alliance area profiles containing information up to March 2016, on the 3 Provider Alliance boundaries that are completely within the City of York Unitary...
Daily Customer Meter Data - local area study
A dataset showing daily water consumption readings in cubic metres (m3) from internal and/or external meters in a discrete study in two distribution management areas (DMAs) in...
Domestic Consumption Monitor - monthly meter readings
Monthly meter readings expressed as mean litres/day. These readings are of customers paying their bill by rateable value. Customers have been selected to be representative of...
Childcare Cost in York
Data reflecting cost of childcare services in York for the different childcare providers available. The data has been depersonalized and it contains information regarding ward,...