FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported
FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported
STREET LIGHTING - % of streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - % of streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights
STREET LIGHTING - % issues resolved within target time (SLA)
STREET LIGHTING - % issues resolved within target time (SLA)
STREET LIGHTING - Average time taken to resolve issues (Working days)
STREET LIGHTING - Average time taken to resolve issues (Working days)
Street Lighting - Number of issues reported
Street Lighting - Number of issues reported
Missed bins per 100,000 collections - (YTD) (COLI3)
Missed bins per 100,000 collections - (YTD) (COLI3)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/hou...
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (DEFRA) This measure is the tonnage (amount) of waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting which is accepted by a...
Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
New Homes Built on Previously Developed Land (%)
New Homes Built on Previously Developed Land (%) *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net...
% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) ...
% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) - (low emission Buses before 2022/23) There are set definitions for Low Emission Buses (LEB),...
% of ultra-low emission Licensed Taxis operating in York (Electric and Hybrid)
% of ultra-low emission Licensed Taxis operating in York (Electric and Hybrid)
GRAFFITI - Average time taken to resolve non-offensive issues (Working days) ...
GRAFFITI - Average time taken to resolve non-offensive issues (Working days) - (YTD)
GRAFFITI - Average time taken to resolve offensive issues (Working days) - (YTD)
GRAFFITI - Average time taken to resolve offensive issues (Working days) - (YTD)
Total CO2 emissions per capita (t) (Rank out of 64)
Total CO2 emissions per capita (t) (Rank out of 64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Brownfield Land Register
In 2017, the Secretary of State introduced the requirement for all local planning authorities in England to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed land...
Business Travel - Rail - Activity (mi)
Business Travel - Rail - Activity (mi)
Fleet Transport - Diesel - Activity (l)
Fleet Transport - Diesel - Activity (l)