Infant mortality rate (under 1 year old), per 1,000 live births
Infant mortality rate (under 1 year old), per 1,000 live births
Index of cycling activity (%) (12 hour) from 2009 Baseline (31,587) (Calendar...
Index of cycling activity (%) (12 hour) from 2009 Baseline (31,587) (Calendar Year) (LI 2c(ii)) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it...
CO2 emissions (tonnes) per head of population (within LA scope) (Calendar Year)
CO2 emissions (tonnes) per head of population (within LA scope) (Calendar Year)
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) (Calenda...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calend...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health based...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Y...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Cal...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/m3) (Cal...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Prices/Nunnery Lane (ug/m3) (Ca...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Prices/Nunnery Lane (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Cale...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) ...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3)...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calend...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Ca...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Prices/Nunnery Lane (ug...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Prices/Nunnery Lane (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
No of council homes in York failing to meet the decency standard
No of council homes in York failing to meet the decency standard