Total tonnes of municipal waste collected (household, commercial, prescribed ...
Total tonnes of municipal waste collected (household, commercial, prescribed and inert waste)
Municipal waste sent to landfill (%) (DEFRA)
Municipal waste sent to landfill (%) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/hou...
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (DEFRA) This measure is the tonnage (amount) of waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting which is accepted by a...
Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
% of customers arriving at York Station by sustainable modes of transport (cy...
% of customers arriving at York Station by sustainable modes of transport (cycling, walking, taxi or bus - excluding cars, Lift, Motorcycle, Train) (LI 4a) *Please note that...
Index of cycling activity (%) (12 hour) from 2009 Baseline (31,587) (Calendar...
Index of cycling activity (%) (12 hour) from 2009 Baseline (31,587) (Calendar Year) (LI 2c(ii)) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it...
Reported number of CHILDREN (0-15) killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar...
Reported number of CHILDREN (0-15) killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13b) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets...
Reported number of PEOPLE slightly injured in road traffic accidents (Calenda...
Reported number of PEOPLE slightly injured in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13c) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets...
Reported number of PEOPLE killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic a...
Reported number of PEOPLE killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13a (i)) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is...
Reported number of PEOPLE killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (L...
Reported number of PEOPLE killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13a) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets validated...
Homes Provided on Brownfield Land (Gross)
Homes Provided on Brownfield Land (Gross) *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing...
Homes Provided on Greenfield Land (Gross)
Homes Provided on Greenfield Land (Gross) *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing...
New Homes Built on Previously Developed Land (%)
New Homes Built on Previously Developed Land (%) *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net...
% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (old BV224b)
% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (old BV224b)
% of Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (N...
% of Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 130-02)
% of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 130-01)
% of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 130-01)
% of road and PATHWAY network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - P...
% of road and PATHWAY network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - Pathways *This indicator has been discontinued
% of ROAD and pathway network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - R...
% of ROAD and pathway network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - Roadways *This indicator has been discontinued
CO2 emissions (tonnes) per head of population (within LA scope) (Calendar Year)
CO2 emissions (tonnes) per head of population (within LA scope) (Calendar Year)