Room Occupancy
Room Occupancy
% of the panel reporting a ‘poor’ experience when they last contacted the cou...
% of the panel reporting a ‘poor’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service
% of the panel reporting a ‘satisfactory’ experience when they last contacted...
% of the panel reporting a ‘satisfactory’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service
% of the panel reporting a ‘good’ experience when they last contacted the cou...
% of the panel reporting a ‘good’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service
% of the panel reporting an ‘excellent’ experience when they last contacted t...
% of the panel reporting an ‘excellent’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service
Number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal in the sec...
Number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal in the secondary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)
Number of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the secondary s...
Number of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the secondary sector (Excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)
% of children taking a free school meal in the secondary sector (excluding Da...
% of children taking a free school meal in the secondary sector (excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)
% of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the secondary sector...
% of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the secondary sector (excluding Danesgate)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month). The measure shows the percentage of the workforce who leave voluntary and is calculated by dividing...
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Average sickness days per FTE - CYC (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Average sickness days per FTE - CYC (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month). Sickness information is recorded to ensure employees are appropriately supported at work and also...
Average sickness days per FTE - CYC (Including Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Average sickness days per FTE - CYC (Including Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Staff FTE - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Snapshot)
Staff FTE - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Snapshot). This measure gives the total number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) people employed directly by the council (excluding...
Staff FTE - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)
Staff FTE - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)
Staff Headcount - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Snapshot)
Staff Headcount - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Snapshot)
Staff Headcount - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)
Staff Headcount - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)
Overall Public Realm Cleansing cases completed within SLA - (YTD)
Overall Public Realm Cleansing cases completed within SLA - (YTD)