JSA Claimants: % of Working Age Population (18-24)
JSA Claimants: % of Working Age Population (18-24)
JSA Claimants: % of Working Age Population (16-64)
JSA Claimants: % of Working Age Population (16-64)
Overall Customer Centre Satisfaction (%) - CYC
Overall Customer Centre Satisfaction (%) - CYC. Customers are offered the chance to leave feedback after they contact the council's Customer Centre over the...
STREET LIGHTING - % of streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - % of streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights
STREET LIGHTING - % issues resolved within target time (SLA)
STREET LIGHTING - % issues resolved within target time (SLA)
STREET LIGHTING - Average time taken to resolve issues (Working days)
STREET LIGHTING - Average time taken to resolve issues (Working days)
Street Lighting - Number of issues reported
Street Lighting - Number of issues reported
Missed bins per 100,000 collections - (YTD) (COLI3)
Missed bins per 100,000 collections - (YTD) (COLI3)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/hou...
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (DEFRA)
Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting (%) (DEFRA) This measure is the tonnage (amount) of waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting which is accepted by a...
Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Residual household waste per household (kg/household) (DEFRA)
Homes Provided on Brownfield Land (Gross)
Homes Provided on Brownfield Land (Gross) *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing...
Homes Provided on Greenfield Land (Gross)
Homes Provided on Greenfield Land (Gross) *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing...
New Homes Built on Previously Developed Land (%)
New Homes Built on Previously Developed Land (%) *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net...
Number of council homes let by direct exchange - (YTD)
Number of council homes let by direct exchange - (YTD)
Number of new affordable homes delivered in York
Number of new affordable homes delivered in York
Passenger journeys on local bus services (Not comparable with CAN031/CAN032 -...
Passenger journeys on local bus services (Not comparable with CAN031/CAN032 - DfT measure - BUS0109a)
% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) ...
% of ultra-low emission Buses (ULEB) operating in York (Electric and Hybrid) - (low emission Buses before 2022/23) There are set definitions for Low Emission Buses (LEB),...