YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
% of web chats engaged within service level (20 seconds)
% of web chats engaged within service level (20 seconds)
Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles (Weekly Average)
Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles (Weekly Average)
% waste recycled - All CYC Vehicles
% waste recycled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage composted (green) - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage composted (green) - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage recycled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage recycled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage landfilled (AWRP from 2018/19) (inc commercial) - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage landfilled (AWRP from 2018/19) (inc commercial) - All CYC Vehicles
Number of cases referred to the Ombudsman - Waste
Number of cases referred to the Ombudsman - Waste
Number of Complaints (Grade 2) - Waste Services
Number of Complaints (Grade 2) - Waste Services
Number of Complaints (Grade 1) - Waste Services
Number of Complaints (Grade 1) - Waste Services
Number of Complaints (All Stages) - Waste Services
Number of Complaints (All Stages) - Waste Services
Parliament Street Footfall
Parliament Street Footfall
Sessions on visityork.org
Sessions on "visityork.org"
Visits to Attractions: Small Attractions
Visits to Attractions: Small Attractions