Car Club - Diesel - Miles
Car Club - Diesel - Miles
Car Club - Diesel - CO2e (000's)
Car Club - Diesel - CO2e (000's)
Fleet Transport - CO2 (kg) (Diesel and gasoil) (000's)
Fleet Transport - CO2 (kg) (Diesel and gasoil) (000's)
Fleet Transport - Gas Oil - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Fleet Transport - Gas Oil - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Fleet Transport - Diesel - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Fleet Transport - Diesel - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Business Travel - Total - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Business Travel - Total - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Business Travel - Hotel - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Business Travel - Hotel - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Business Travel - Flight - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Business Travel - Flight - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Business Travel - Rail - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Business Travel - Rail - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Corporate Waste - Total (kg) (000's)
Corporate Waste - Total (kg) (000's)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Activity (kWh)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Activity (kWh)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Cost (£)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - Cost (£)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Electricity - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Electricity - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Electricity - Activity (kWh)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Electricity - Activity (kWh)
We tackle persistent crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB), mainly on rear alleyways, by installing lockable gates to restrict access. This page includes data on the alleygates...
Statutory homelessness - homelessness acceptances (per 1,000 estimated total ...
Statutory homelessness - homelessness acceptances (per 1,000 estimated total households) *This indicator has been discontinued
% of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 55 dB(A)...
% of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 55 dB(A) or more during the night-time *This indicator has been discontinued
York Cycle Network
For further information about cycling - see the City of York Council website *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any...
Polling Districts
Polling Districts in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will...
CYC Mobile App - Grand Total
CYC Mobile App - Grand Total *This indicator has been discontinued