CYC Budget Consultation
City of York Council (CYC) carries out budget consultations asking residents of York to complete a questionnaire giving them the opportunity to put forward their views to help...
Air Quality Monitoring Stations Data
Air quality data for 2017 and 2018 for the 9 air quality monitoring stations in York. The values in the "Status" column should be interpreted as follows: P - Provisional Data,...
Local Authority Land
Under new regulations to promote openness and transparency, local authorities have to publish details of all their land and building assets. The following information...
COVID-19 Daily Data Tracker
This dataset contains daily data trackers for the COVID-19 pandemic, aggregated by month and starting 18.3.20. The first release of COVID-19 data on this platform was on 1.6.20....
Datasets' List
List of datasets present on York Open Data, along with their description and links to them.
Our Big Conversation Summer 2021
This data set contains raw data and summary reports of two surveys which ran during 2021 for residents and businesses to share their views on three major strategic themes for...
Section 106 Agreements - Up to 2017
Summary of financial contributions arising from Section 106 Agreements up to 2017 in the York local planning authority area. Section 106 contributions are made by developers...
My City Centre Winter Consultation 2021
This dataset contains raw data from the My City Centre winter survey which asked residents to feedback on a draft vision for the city along with a summary report of findings. An...
The Groves - Low Traffic Neighbourhood Trial
In June 2020, the decision was taken to implement a low traffic neighbourhood trial in The Groves. For more information on the trial please visit City of York Council's website...