Home > Data > Alleygates > Alleygates


This is a map which will highlight alleygate locations with a yellow pin. You will be unable to click on the yellow pin to find out more information about the alleygate, but such functionality is available when using the GeoJSON format. Alternatively you can download the file and open it with your own geospatial software.

*Please note the ‘in_pspo’ field included within the data indicates whether or not the alleygate was installed using a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). 1 = yes, the alleygate was installed using a PSPO. 0 = no, the alleygate was installed using a different legal Order. For more information, please contact alleygating@york.gov.uk

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Additional Information

Field Value
Last updated July 14, 2017
Created July 14, 2017
Format KML
Licence UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
created over 7 years ago
format KML
has views True
id 0ad84788-62fe-4988-a524-0dd5a1c8fd78
package id 8a2ee4bb-b824-4c02-91ff-225b0a38c320
position 1
revision id d1945a65-ccb5-4f50-988e-ccaeb061ebaa
state active