First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17 (per 100,000 10-17...
First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17 (per 100,000 10-17 year olds in York) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Archaeological Monuments
Archaeological monuments around the city of York. Some of the records have reports attached to them externally hosted. They can be retrieved by navigating to the url displayed...
Gullies in York
Gullies in York. For further information about gullies and the local flood risk management strategy please see the City of York Council website. *Please note that the data...
Chief Officers' Declarations of Interest
York's Chief Officers' Declarations of Interest
% of tenants satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord
% of tenants satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord
% of tenants who say car parking is a minor problem in their neighbourhood
% of tenants who say car parking is a minor problem in their neighbourhood
% of tenants who say car parking is not a problem in their neighbourhood
% of tenants who say car parking is not a problem in their neighbourhood
% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and ...
% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally
% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and mai...
% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally
% of the panel who speak negatively about the council
% of the panel who speak negatively about the council
% of the panel who speak positively about the council
% of the panel who speak positively about the council
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well encoura...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well encouraging the use of low emission vehicles
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well encouraging...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well encouraging the use of low emission vehicles
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping to reduce carbon footprint
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to ...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to reduce carbon footprint
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping to reduce amount of household waste
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to ...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to reduce amount of household waste
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at impr...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at improving the quality of streets/public spaces
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at improvin...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at improving the quality of streets/public spaces
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well conserv...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well conserving York's heritage
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well conserving ...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well conserving York's heritage
% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are not doing well at improvi...
% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are not doing well at improving green spaces
% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are doing well at improving g...
% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are doing well at improving green spaces
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at redu...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at reducing air pollution
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at reducing...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at reducing air pollution