% of tenants satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord
% of tenants satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord
% of tenants who say car parking is a minor problem in their neighbourhood
% of tenants who say car parking is a minor problem in their neighbourhood
% of tenants who say car parking is not a problem in their neighbourhood
% of tenants who say car parking is not a problem in their neighbourhood
% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and ...
% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally
% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and mai...
% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally
% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey
% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey
% of staff who believe action will be taken following this survey
% of staff who believe action will be taken following this survey
% of staff who would not recommend the council as a good place to work
% of staff who would not recommend the council as a good place to work
% of staff who would recommend the council as a good place to work
% of staff who would recommend the council as a good place to work
Total population aged 65 and over predicted to have dementia
Total population aged 65 and over predicted to have dementia
% of adults (aged 19+) that meet CMO recommendations for physical activity (1...
% of adults (aged 19+) that meet CMO recommendations for physical activity (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)
No of CYC Apprenticeship starts (inc LA maintained schools)
No of CYC Apprenticeship starts (inc LA maintained schools)
Throughput of visits to leisure facilities (GLL) - All Facilities (Average pe...
Throughput of visits to leisure facilities (GLL) - All Facilities (Average per 1,000 Population)
Library Visits - Homestead Park
Library Visits - Homestead Park
Number of people sleeping rough on a single night - (Snapshot)
Number of people sleeping rough on a single night - (Snapshot)
Number of trees planted (CYC)
Number of trees planted (CYC)
% Take up of early education places by eligible two year olds - (Snapshot)
% Take up of early education places by eligible two year olds - (Snapshot)
Total GVA (balanced calculations) (£ billion)
Total GVA (balanced calculations) (£ billion)
GVA per head (balanced calculations) (£)
GVA per head (balanced calculations) (£)
Hospital admissions for mental health conditions (0-17 years), per 100,000 po...
Hospital admissions for mental health conditions (0-17 years), per 100,000 population
Hospital admissions for asthma (0-18 years), per 100,000 population
Hospital admissions for asthma (0-18 years), per 100,000 population
Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in young ...
Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in young people (aged 15-24 years), per 10,000 population
A&E attendances (0-4 years), per 1,000 attendances
A&E attendances (0-4 years), per 1,000 attendances
Teenage mothers (delivery episodes aged under 18)
Teenage mothers (delivery episodes aged under 18)
Infant mortality rate (under 1 year old), per 1,000 live births
Infant mortality rate (under 1 year old), per 1,000 live births