Business Travel - Rail - Activity (mi)
Business Travel - Rail - Activity (mi)
Fleet Transport - Diesel - Activity (l)
Fleet Transport - Diesel - Activity (l)
% of population smoking (routine and manual workers) (APS)
% of population smoking (routine and manual workers) (APS) *This indicator has been discontinued
Air Quality Monitoring Stations Data
Air quality data for 2017 and 2018 for the 9 air quality monitoring stations in York. The values in the "Status" column should be interpreted as follows: P - Provisional Data,...
Newborn bloodspot screening - coverage
Newborn bloodspot screening - coverage *This indicator has been discontinued
Buildings and Street Lighting - Electricity - Cost (£)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Electricity - Cost (£)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - CO2 (kg) (000's)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Gas Oil - CO2 (kg) (000's)
% of ultra-low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric an...
% of ultra-low emission vehicles in CYC Fleet, operating in York (Electric and Hybrid)
% of adults (aged 16+) that are physically active (150+ moderate intensity eq...
% of adults (aged 16+) that are physically active (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week, excl. gardening)
Excess Winter Deaths Index (all ages single year)
Excess Winter Deaths Index (all ages single year)
Newborn hearing screening - coverage
Newborn hearing screening - coverage
Under 18 conceptions (per 1,000 females aged 15-17) (Rolling 12 Months)
Under 18 conceptions (per 1,000 females aged 15-17) (Rolling 12 Months)
Proportion of population aged 15 to 24 screened for chlamydia (%)
Proportion of population aged 15 to 24 screened for chlamydia (%)
Chlamydia diagnoses (15-24 year olds), per 100,000 population
Chlamydia diagnoses (15-24 year olds), per 100,000 population
Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-5 years), per 100,000 population
Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-5 years), per 100,000 population
% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g)
% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g)
Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth
Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth
Area Wide Traffic Levels (07:00 -19:00) (Excluding A64) from 2009/10 baseline...
Area Wide Traffic Levels (07:00 -19:00) (Excluding A64) from 2009/10 baseline (2.07m) (LI 10diii)
% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (BV224b)
% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (BV224b)
% of Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (S...
% of Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (Scanner - NI 130-02)
% of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (Scanner - NI 130...
% of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (Scanner - NI 130-01)
% of dwellings failing to meet the decent homes standard
% of dwellings failing to meet the decent homes standard
First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17 (per 100,000 10-17...
First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17 (per 100,000 10-17 year olds in York) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Archaeological Monuments
Archaeological monuments around the city of York. Some of the records have reports attached to them externally hosted. They can be retrieved by navigating to the url displayed...
Gullies in York
Gullies in York. For further information about gullies and the local flood risk management strategy please see the City of York Council website. *Please note that the data...