The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) (Calenda...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calend...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health based...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Y...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Cal...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/m3) (Cal...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Prices/Nunnery Lane (ug/m3) (Ca...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Prices/Nunnery Lane (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Cale...
The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) ...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3)...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calend...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Ca...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Prices/Nunnery Lane (ug...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Prices/Nunnery Lane (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m...
Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)
The number of CYC electric vehicle recharging points in York (updated definit...
The number of CYC electric vehicle recharging points in York (updated definition Q4 21/22 to CYC points only)
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with that breached SLA target...
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with that breached SLA target time
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with by CYC
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with by CYC
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues reported
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues reported