Number of days taken to process Housing Benefit new claims and change events ...
Number of days taken to process Housing Benefit new claims and change events (DWP measure). This establishes the average time it takes to process a new Housing Benefit claim or...
% of Concerns responded to 'In Time'
% of Concerns responded to 'In Time' *This indicator has been discontinued
% of Compliments responded to 'In Time'
% of Compliments responded to 'In Time' *This indicator has been discontinued
Key Corporate Risks - CYC
Key Corporate Risks - CYC
CYC Workforce Profile – Including equalities
Equalities Profiles - Talkabout
CYC Chief Operating Officer’s diary
Diary of City of York Council's Chief Operating Officer’s diary - from the 1st January 2019 onwards
Chief Officers' Declarations of Interest
York's Chief Officers' Declarations of Interest
CYC Service Plans 2023-24
These are the service plans for 2023-24, covering the financial year as per the City of York Council's performance management framework. For more details...
% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey
% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey
% of staff who believe action will be taken following this survey
% of staff who believe action will be taken following this survey
% of staff who would not recommend the council as a good place to work
% of staff who would not recommend the council as a good place to work
% of staff who would recommend the council as a good place to work
% of staff who would recommend the council as a good place to work
No of CYC Apprenticeship starts (inc LA maintained schools)
No of CYC Apprenticeship starts (inc LA maintained schools)
Street Lighting: Average cost of maintaining street lights (PI 01a)
Street Lighting: Average cost of maintaining street lights (PI 01a)
CYC Productivity Plan - July 2024
Councils across the United Kingdom were asked to submit a short productivity plan to MHCLG in July 2024 covering high level approach to transformation, technology, spend and...
Retention Schedules
Retention schedules for corporate records at City of York Council.
Councillor Parking Permits
This dataset contains historic and current Councillors' parking permits. Please note that the data is a snapshot as of the value displayed in the SnapshotDate field.
Public Sector Apprenticeship Target
This data is published in accordance with the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target. Public Bodies employing more than 250 people are required to have regard to the target of 2.3%...
CYC Ethnicity Pay Gap
CYC's annual ethnicity pay gap report including all CYC staff but excluding all schools staff and councillors.