Performance Indicators : Consultation
Performance Indicators : Consultation
Number of Housing Ombudsman cases received
Number of Housing Ombudsman cases received
Performance Indicators : Business and Economy
Key Performance Indicators related to Business and Economy
Number of Rights of Individuals requests received
Number of Rights of Individuals requests received
Performance Indicators : Art and Culture
Performance Indicators related to Art and Culture
Number of Requests for Information received
Number of Requests for Information received
Number of LGSCO cases received
Number of LGSCO cases received
Number of ICO cases received
Number of ICO cases received
Number of FOI reviews received
Number of FOI reviews received
Number of EIR reviews received
Number of EIR reviews received
Number of Concerns received
Number of Concerns received
Number of Compliments received
Number of Compliments received
Number of 4Cs Complaints received
Number of 4Cs Complaints received
Number of Comments received
Number of Comments received
Number of Child Complaints received
Number of Child Complaints received
Number of Adult Complaints received
Number of Adult Complaints received
% of children who were at or above the expected level of development at the 2...
% of children who were at or above the expected level of development at the 2-2½ year review
% of infants totally or partially breastfed at 6-8 weeks (of those with a kno...
% of infants totally or partially breastfed at 6-8 weeks (of those with a known feeding status)
% of children who received a 2-2½ year review
% of children who received a 2-2½ year review
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months
% of infants being breastfed at 6-8wks
% of infants being breastfed at 6-8wks
% of infants who received a 6-8 week review by the time they were 8 weeks
% of infants who received a 6-8 week review by the time they were 8 weeks
% of face-to-face NBVs undertaken by a health visitor after 14 days
% of face-to-face NBVs undertaken by a health visitor after 14 days
% of births that receive a face to face New Birth Visit (NBV) by a Health Vis...
% of births that receive a face to face New Birth Visit (NBV) by a Health Visitor within 14 days