% of panel disagree their local area is a place where people from different b...
% of panel disagree their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together
% of panel agree their local area is a place where people from different back...
% of panel agree their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together
% of panel who disagree that they belong to their local area
% of panel who disagree that they belong to their local area
% of panel who agree that they belong to their local area
% of panel who agree that they belong to their local area
% of panel who disagree it is important to feel part of their local area
% of panel who disagree it is important to feel part of their local area
% of panel who agree it is important to feel part of their local area
% of panel who agree it is important to feel part of their local area
% of panel disagree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the l...
% of panel disagree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months
% of panel agree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last...
% of panel agree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months
% of panel dissatisfied with York as a place to live
% of panel dissatisfied with York as a place to live
% of panel satisfied with York as a place to live
% of panel satisfied with York as a place to live
% of panel disagree the council provides value for money
% of panel disagree the council provides value for money
% of panel agree the council provides value for money
% of panel agree the council provides value for money
% of panel dissatisfied with the way the council runs things
% of panel dissatisfied with the way the council runs things
% of panel satisfied with the way the council runs things
% of panel satisfied with the way the council runs things. This is a measure of the Talkabout panel members who are satisfied with the way the council runs things. The question...
% of Talkabout panel dissatisfied with their local area as a place to live
% of Talkabout panel dissatisfied with their local area as a place to live
% of Talkabout panel satisfied with their local area as a place to live
% of Talkabout panel satisfied with their local area as a place to live This is a measure of the Talkabout panel members who are satisfied with their local area as a place to...
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month). The measure shows the percentage of the workforce who leave voluntary and is calculated by dividing...
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Average sickness days per FTE - Schools - (Rolling 12 Month)
Average sickness days per FTE - Schools - (Rolling 12 Month)
Average sickness days per FTE - CYC (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Average sickness days per FTE - CYC (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month). Sickness information is recorded to ensure employees are appropriately supported at work and also...
Average sickness days per FTE - CYC (Including Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Average sickness days per FTE - CYC (Including Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)
Staff FTE - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Snapshot)
Staff FTE - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Snapshot). This measure gives the total number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) people employed directly by the council (excluding...
Staff FTE - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)
Staff FTE - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)